Why do Family Offices Pay to Attend KEANAISSANCE® and other Summits of the FTE® Capital Markets?
VIVA Investment Partners (VIP) is itself the FO of 15 HNWI’s who amalgamated assets in July 2018, and invited Dr. Julie Meyer MBE to be the CEO and CIO.
We develop the community carefully so that there is a ‘safe’ way for people to build long-term relationships with people who have been vetted. Everyone who is at KEANAISSANCE or an FTE Summit has been vetted, and if they are building a business, Dr. Meyer has scrubbed their investment documents as she did for 15 years when she was running the ACE Fund.
VIP doesn’t subsidise people to attend because there is no need to give people freebies. There is tremendous value delivered on all fronts, and that value has a cost and a price.
We benefit from the exceptional career of Dr. Meyer at the Board of INSEAD, her business school where she was named of their all time top 50 alumni, and also all of the awards and communities that she has been a part of building and working in since 1998 in Europe from France, the UK, Switzerland and Greece.
Neither she nor her shareholders are interested in becoming an NGO or not for profit networking organization for FO’s.
VIP invests its own capital, and it invites serious FO’s and entrepreneurs to join them in investing in the businesses that they invest in. The entry point to that is the Summits.