Kenneth Roberts

Kenneth Roberts is a diverse business developer with expertise spanning finance, technology, mining, commodities, and real estate. He began his career in London as a shipping broker at Lloyds and later engaged in property development focusing on land acquisition and asset management. Transitioning into the commodities sector, Kenneth excelled in the trade and finance of metals and gemstones, facilitating numerous high-stake transactions including mergers and joint ventures. His track record includes significant experience in developing markets, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where he has established a broad network of high-level contacts.

Kenneth’s strategic leadership was instrumental during his 13-year tenure as CEO of Britannia Mining Inc, a Nevada-registered, publicly-listed company where he initially explored iron ore in Malawi and later expanded into other minerals across Africa and Malaysia. Under his direction, the company’s market capitalization soared from $6 million to $65 million.

Recently, Kenneth has focused on integrating advanced technologies into the commodities supply chain, particularly through his new venture, Iceledger, which aims to innovate the diamond trading process using Web3 and blockchain technology. His professional journey is also marked by numerous strategic facilitations and investments across a variety of sectors, including real estate and classic car trading. Kenneth continues to influence various sustainable and technological advancements in commodity trading and infrastructure projects across Africa.